Globalisation Blogbook des Q2 Englisch LKs

Dear visitors of our website,English LK Q2 2022

We dealt with globalisation in our English LK and its impact on our lives and the world we live in and we want to share our thoughts with you.

We have thus published a ‘blogbook’ containing our texts, videos, pictures, diagrams, cartoons, links... illustrating and discussing aspects of globalisation which are important for us.
The interactive blogbook can best be enjoyed as e-book:

qr blogbook22

or Blogbook22 



But you can also read a .pdf version of this e-book which is to be found here: Globalisation_BlogBook_2021.pdf


What also needs to be said…even though it's hard to find the right words…
When we produced our texts and speeches for this blogbook last year, we had no idea what was about to happen this February.
We are shocked by this outbreak of violence and the violation of human rights.
Our hearts are with the people who are suffering, the fathers and mothers and their children.


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